Buddha Counter

by Feather Hsu



Buddha counter / Counter1. List page:1-1 List all the count files.1-2 Click any selected item to start to record counts.1-3 A dialog will pop up when long click any selected item to ask if user would like to modify or delete or see the history data of the selected item.2. Record page:2-1 Press the plus or minus button record the counts of selected file.2-2 Press the reset button to reset the start date or delete history counts data or reset the counts to zero.3. History page:To see the history counts data of selected count file.4. Create page:To create new count file.5. Modify page:To modify the data of selected count file.6. Settings page:6-1 To set the sound effect of plus and minus button on/off.6-2 To backup or import the app data.6-3 Users can choose different dedications, or make own dedication.